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City Lawyer Full-time Job

2023-03-06 12:16   Legal   Lautoka   636 views Reference: 2816
Job Details

Detailed Job Description can be requested via email to recruitment@lautokacitycouncil.com.fj or downloaded from the Careers Page of Council website: https://www.lautokacitycouncil.com.fj/careers/

Competitive salary depending on qualifications and work experience will be offered to successful candidates. All applications will be treated in confidence and should include a filled in application form and a detailed resume with contact details of three referees, and are to be forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer, Lautoka City Council, P. O. Box 124, LAUTOKA or emailed to recruitment@lautokacitycouncil.com.fj

Company Description
Lautoka City Council delivers a wide range of services and infrastructure to support residents, businesses and visitors. Core services include law enforcement and compliance; refuse collection, street maintenance and traffic management, parks, recreational/sporting and cultural programming and capital improvements.