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Cleaner Full-time Job

2023-07-07 13:11   Trade & Services   Suva   472 views Reference: 3277
Job Details


The Opportunity

The overall purpose of the cleaner is to work in an assigned section of the Library. He/she is responsible for the overall cleanliness of a section, subject to weekly rotation and back up when required. The work is physical for the duration of the 44 hours.

The existence of this job will ensure that the following tasks are successfully performed at the USP Laucala Library:

  • Clean the Library – shelves, tables, furniture, walls, louvres, washrooms and storerooms, work and reading areas and environs of the Library in section(s) as assigned using appropriate cleaning materials and equipment;
  • Strip library tiles during long vacation using appropriate cleaning materials and equipment;
  • Act as back-up for cleaners who are away from work - sick, annual, compassionate leave, etc.
  • Recommend to Supervisor of Cleaners areas that need special attention;
  • Clean areas surrounding the Library building – remove leaves, empty bins, etc.;
  • Assist at functions held by the Library – tea for visitors, etc., and;
  • Perform any other duties as assigned.

The Person we Seek

To be considered for this position, applicants must have:

Persons employed at Grade 1 will typically perform duties at a skill level which assumes and requires:

  • Knowledge or training equivalent to the duties to be performed; or
  • Completion of Year 12 secondary school with relevant work experience; or
  • An equivalent combination of experience and training.

Preference will be given to applicants with:

  • Good interpersonal and communication skills;
  • Excellent health to be able to lift, climb, work at heights, and be on one’s feet for long periods;
  • Practical working knowledge of commercial cleaning agents and equipment e.g. tile stripping liquids, vacuum cleaner, polisher and water blaster;
  • An understanding of Occupational Health and Safety regulations and issues;
  • The ability to work as part of a team and under minimal supervision;
  • The ability to work day and night shifts inclusive of weekends and public holidays; and
  • The willingness and ability to assist with official work functions.

Enquiries and further information:

Enquiries: Ms. Liviana Tabalala, Deputy University Librarian, ph: (679) 32 32363; Email: liviana.tabalala@usp.ac.fj

The position is available for a term of 3 years and may be renewed by mutual agreement.

Salary Range

  • Grade 1: FJ $11,259.46 – FJ $14,211.20 per annum 


Closing Date

The closing date for applications is: 16 July 2023


Cleaners, Human Resources Coordinator, Human Resources Officer/Clerk, Teaching (Pre-School/Primary/Secondary /Tertiary)
Company Description
The University of the South Pacific (USP) is the premier provider of tertiary education in the Pacific region and an international centre of excellence for teaching, research consulting and training on all aspects of Pacific culture, environment and human resource development